Japan is a fascinating and beautiful country in East Asia. Japan has lots of different traditions, festivals, landforms, and tourist attractions. Japan is a unique country with its beautiful landscape, people; it is lovely events and contrasting culture compared to Australia. I think we can all affirm with the suggested precondition that Japan is a remarkable and extraordinary country. In this essay I will explain why I want to visit Japan so much.
I believe that a person can have multiple favourite places. All travel destinations are unique in some ways and people like different things about them. We live in quite a destination ourselves; California! Still I dream about going back to places like Greece or the national parks in Utah. But if I could choose right now where to go, I would jump into a plane going to Hawaii. Ever since I visited there for the first time, I keep wanting to go back. We are lucky that we live relatively close by, about an five hour flight away. But the time is still limited, and I want to visit my home country Finland as often as I can. Still I think about Hawaii pretty often!
My Favourite Country Japan Essay