Many of your favorite streaming series and movies are already available for download, with more on the way, so there is plenty of content available for those times when you are offline. For example, Orange is The New Black, Narcos and The Crown are available for download today.
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Should you wish to organise and host a free screening, you can purchase and download the film from Vimeo (Worldwide). You can find more information about how to host a screening here. The Circular Economy Club is a communications partner of Closing the Loop.
Grass clippings are banned from disposal at landfills and incinerators. Leave them on the lawn where they will decompose and act as a natural organic fertilizer. View the DEEP's "Don't Trash Grass!" brochure, video (free download), or fact sheet on-line. A 15 minute VHS video of the same title is available in your local library or may be purchased at the DEEP Bookstore for $8.00. You may also check with your local town or city hall to see if they accept grass clippings in their organics recycling program. 2ff7e9595c